Herbal plants and fruits in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a country full of flowers, fruits, trees, creepers and herbs and many more. Whenever we travel to Sri Lanka, we are lucky to see the beautiful lush greenery in each and every corner of this beautiful island. The vegetation of Sri Lanka does not only add beauty to the country but also helps a lot to make Sri Lankans healthier and stronger from the ancient time. 
The large reservoirs like Prakkrama Samudraya, Kala Wewa etc the huge stupas such as Ruwanweliseya, Abhayagiriya etc were built and could see still for the sake of the most creative, intelligent, strongest ancestors of our motherland. 
Fresh and pure vegetables, fruits, herbs, green leaves and yams even flowers cause them to nourish and to be stronger and healthier. Our ancestors were used to drink herbal drinks prepared using herbs instead of tea or coffee. Nowadays the young crowd has addicted to soft drinks and cola drinks which highly damage their health and has cause to arise uncountable health issues in Sri Lanka. Our ancestors could improve their immunity, hygiene by consuming herbs and fresh vegetables and fruits in their daily life. 
There are plant resources in Srilanka which consist of high nutritional and medicinal value in almost all the regions in Sri Lanka. 

Here is a glimpse of it. 

Nelli - Indian Gooseberry

Indian Gooseberry can be introduced as a fruit rich in vitamin C. This is a great alternative drink to quench thirst. 
 It helps the mind and body relaxation and better eyesight and for the growth of healthy hair. It glows the skin by purifying the blood. It reduces constipation and enhances immunization.

Polpala -Aerva Lanata

The herbal plant Polpala can be seen in every region of Srilanka in every season. The delicious polpala porridge is helpful to function kidneys properly. 
The herbal value of this plant reduces all kinds of diseases in the urinary system. It especially destroys the poisonous states of the human body.


Ginger is used as a spice but it also can be used to make a herbal drink. To prepare this, you should peel ginger and wash them well. Boil ginger and keep the boiled water to use later. Blender the boiled pieces of ginger and mix it with boiled ginger water that you kept aside to use later. You may add some water to increase the quantity. Add sugar and refrigerate. 
                             This delicious ginger drink is an energy booster. It helps for digestion, reduces constipation and vomit. It boosts the neurological system and good for coronary diseases. 

Umbrella -  Indian Hog Plum

Indian Hog Plum can be seen in most regions of Srilanka and India. This fruit can be eaten either as a raw fruit or as a curry. 
This can also be prepared as fresh juice. A glass of fresh Indian hog plum quenches thirst and reduces tiredness. It has high medicinal value to minimize diabetes and coronary diseases. 

Beli - Beal tree

Beli is grown in Sri Lanka, India and Myanmar. 

Roots, leaves, flowers, fruit etc of the tree have high medicinal value. It reduces constipation and gastritis. 

Iramusu - Indian Sarsparilla 

  A bowl of iramisu porridge or a glass of boiled iramusu purifies the blood, filters urine and enhancing the glow of the skin. It destroys sin diseases and bad body odour. 

Ranawara flowers

Dried or raw ranawara flowers can be boiled to prepare the tasty drink and can be consumed with a piece of jaggery. Ranawara leaves also use as a green leaves curry. This greatly helps to reduce kidney failures and controls the sugar level of the blood. 

Kamaranga - Star fruit 

Star fruit is of two types which contain sweet as well as sour taste. It reduces coronary diseases and kidney failures. It controls blood sugar too. 
Weralu - Ceylon Olive

Olive is grown in any climatic situation in Srilanka. It can be eaten as a fruit as well as can be prepared as a tasty drink. This helps to reduce anaemia. 

The number of plant resources rich in medicinal value are uncountable in Sri Lanka. The consumption of these herbs and fruits keep people away from illnesses and lead to healthy life. 


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