Kohomba Yak Kankariya.

Kandyan dancing is one of the main three triditional dancing forms famous in Sri Lanka. Kohomba Kankariya is the major ritualistic blessing programme or shanthi karma conducted under the Kandyan tradition. This is usually conducted in the upcountry Kandy, Udunuwara, Yatinuwara, Sath Koralaya, Sathara Koralaya, Dumbara and Harispatthuwa etc. There is a legend story on the emergence of Kohomba Yak Kankariya.

Kohomba Yak Kankariya was performed to cure the King Paduwasdev who was lying on the death bed due to an unknown dangerous illness. It is believed that the first Aryan king of Sri Lanka, King Wijaya died due to the curse of his wife or the Yakka princess Kuweni. Then the King Paduwasdev became the ruler of Sri Lanka but he was not able to rule the Kingdom properly as he got severely ill due to the scary nightmares he had seen which brought him near to the mouth of death. Royal family believed that the reason for his illness was the curse of Kuweni and they thought that this curse is passed to each and every king who rule the country.

To cure his illness, Deva Sabha decided to bring King Malaya from Malaya country with the help of Rahu. So as planned, Ruhu started to destroy the orchard of the King Malaya having the magical mask of a pig. This made King Malaya to chase after the pig with bows and arrows to Hanthana mountain. There he got to know real issue and brought the priests from his country to conduct this shanthi karma. It is said in historical chronicles that Kohomba Yak Kankariya greatly helped King Paduwasdev to recover himself. 

Kohomba Yak Kankariya is still practised in Sri Lanka in order to develop the resources of grain, cereals and cattle breads and to prevent the spread of diseases and epidemics  believed to be caused by intrinsic forces.

There are many significant and artistic traditional dance forms with dramatic features are presented during the shanthi karma. "Asne, Kohomba haella, Yak Annuma, Awenduma etc are some of the dancing items performed here. The traditional kandyan drum "Geta Beraya" is played by the drummers during the shanthi karma and dancers perform with the majestic dance steps and very old traditional poems with their unique Sri Lankan tunes. It is worth to spend a night watching Kohomba Yak Kankariya because it is one of the unique icons which depict the ancient Sri Lankan culture. 

📷 courtesy - thepearl.lk/ serendib.btoptions.lk/ www.flickr.com


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