The intimate companion of man - Dogs

Pet lovers are there around the world. Among them, dog lovers seem to be extra special. The relationship between the humans and the dogs is strong and they were bound to each other  from the very beginning of the human civilization.

Dogs are treated as kids by their masters with a great affection. Dogs' life span is nearly about 10-13 years and during their life time they show their loyalty to the master while protecting their possessions. The most extra ordinary characteristic of dogs is their ability to understand the mental state of humans. It is incredibly amazing. The sensitive behavioural patterns of dogs express  thousands of words which cannot be equalized to verbal expressions of humans. Their simple and sensitive indications touch the human hearts and fill with love.

Sniffing is an exceptional talent of dogs. It is used by security officials to search criminals, drugs, bombs and other explosives. They are specially trained by the security forces for investigations. The outstanding memory power and wisdom of  the dogs have helped them to be the intimate companions of human beings.

📷 courtesy - LifeSriLanka - Tharindi Chamathsara


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